New Jersey Deutsche Zeitung

96 Market Street


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From "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

The New Jersey Deutsche Zeitung was founded on April 12, 1880 by Dr. E. H. Makk, Editor-in-Chief, and Joseph Knorr, Manager of the New Jersey Freie Zeitung. The scheme of the new German daily was matured in the residence of the late J. J. Hockenjos, a sturdy and brave battler for opinion's sake, whose figure and actions are fresh memories with all who used to attend the Board of Trade meetings. With Mr. Hockenjos were associated as fist promoters, Mrs. Kimmerle, a women of superior brain power and character, who has long successfully conducted her own dual business, that of milliner and florist.

At this time a great many old German Republicans had become sour and sore on the Freie Zeitung, and the new German daily was warmly welcomed by them. It was Republican on general politics, but straight-out Democratic in local affairs. In the early fall of 1880, Dr. Makk withdrew altogether and went to Rochester where he still edits the Rochester Volksblatt. Mr. Knorr now took entire management of the paper. Charles Voelcker, an experienced German Democratic journalist, who had served on the old-time Volksman with Major Franz Umbscheiden, took the editorial helm, with Mr. Louis Dannenberg as his associate and chief of the city department. In the general election that year the paper supported General hancock for President and George C. Ludlow for Governor. Mr. Knorr gave his life to his work of building up the paper. he was at it day and night, Sundays as well as weekdays. he was a first-class business man and secured for the paper a full and liberal line of advertising. His devotion to his work, and his decided business talents inspired confidence, not only among business men, but among men like Gottfried Krueger and others, who aided him financially in the start.

In its new quarters the Deutsche Zeitung has the fullest facilities to get out a first class local paper, one that is a great credit alike to its managers and all connected with it, and to the German reading people of Newark; a good, clean , live, bright and welcome visitor to the house; likewise a strong and sterling battler for true Democracy, the Democracy of Jefferson and the founders of the Republic.